Adding and Deleting Chart Items
You can add information to a chart to enhance its readability. Anything on a chart that can be selected is considered an item and can be added to or deleted from the chart. For example, you can use the Chart, Chart Options command to display the Chart Options dialog box. From the Chart Options dialog box, you can add a chart title, a value-axis title, a category-axis title, and a second category-axis or value-axis title when appropriate. To edit text in a chart, you select the item you want to edit and double-click on it. Then you can either type to replace all of the text, or use the mouse to select a portion of the text to edit. Procedure: select the Chart sheet. Choose Chart, Chart Options. (The Chart Options dialog box is display). In the Chart Title text box, type & click on OK. The Chart Title is edited and complete.
Using the Legend button. Delete the chart legend. Click on the Legend button to reinsert it. Tick marks indicate measurement lines on an axis. Gridlines extend these lines of measurement from the axis across the plot area, and make it easier to compare the data markers to the axis values. You can add gridlines to both the category and value axes. To enable gridlines, you display the Chart Options dialog box and select the Gridlines tab. You can display major and minor gridlines for either axis. E.g. select the chart. Choose Chart, Chart Options.
You can label individual data points by adding data labels. Data labels can be in the form of values, percentages, labels, or both labels and percentages, depending on the type of chart you’re working with. Select the Data Labels tab. Click on Show Value, then click on OK. Unless you select a specific series before you display the Chart Options dialog box, Excel automatically enters data labels on the chart for all data series. E.g. select The data labels. Press the Delete key. You can select each data label individually to format or delete it. To delete the data labels for an entire series, you click on one of the data labels for the series. When all of the data labels for the series are selected, you press the Delete key. E.g. select The data labels. Click on the indicated label. Press the Delete key. You can add or remove data labels for an individual series by right-clicking on the series and choosing Format Data Series from the shortcut menu, or by selecting the series and choosing Format, Selected Data Series. In the Format Series dialog box, you select the Data Labels tab, and then selecte the desired options. Right-click on the -- data marker. Choose Format Data Series.
To hide the numeric values that were used to create data markers for the selected data series, we’ll use the None option on the Data Labels page. Select the Data Labels tab. In the Data Labels box, click on None. Click on Ok to hide the – data labels.
To link a chart title or axis title to a worksheet, you must start with a title item in a chart that has already been created. You select the title and then type an equal sign (=) in the formula bar. If necessary, you select the cells containing the data for the chart, and then select the cells containing the data for the title. When the cells are selected, you press the Enter key to complete the link. You can also link titles to worksheet cells. After you create a link, the chart text automatically updates to reflect any changes made to those cells on the worksheet. E.g. select the chart title. Type the equal sign (=). Select the – sheet. Select cell ---- and press the Enter key. Now the chart title displays on the contents of the cell ---- from the other worksheet. Select the --- sheet. Select cell ---. Type another name and press the Enter key. NB: the chat title updated when you changed the contents of the cell on the worksheet. You can revert by clicking on the Undo button.
Moving and Sizing Chart Items.
After the chart is been created you can move its items to provide extra emphasis or clarity. Reorganizing items on a chart can also increase its overall effectiveness and appeal. You can move chart items by selecting them and dragging them with the mouse. Procedure: select the chart-- sheet. Place the mouse pointer on the border of the title box and drag it to another location of the chart sheet. When you move a chart item by dragging it to an area of the chart that already contains information, the chart does not resize to make room for the item. As a result, any data under that chart item is no longer visible. Select the legend. Drag the legend to another location.
Using Format dialog box to move the legend. Double-click on the legend to display the Format dialog box. Select the Placement tab. This tab allows to position chart items without using the drag-and-drop method. Under placement, click on Bottom. Click on Ok to reposition the legend.
You can use the View, Zoom command to display the chart sheets at different magnifications. This makes it easier to view, navigate, and move objects within them. The View, Zoom command also enables you to enlarge the chart sheet to view more details, or to reduce it to see more of it on the screen at once. Excel provides several built-in zoom percentage options. You can enlarge the data marker area of the chart sheet by selecting the plot area and dragging its borders to the edges of the chart area. This feature can be helpful if you want to add extra chart items and need to make more room on the chart.
Another reason for enlarging the plot area is to increase the size of the data markers. For example, if you’re suing the chart to create an overhead transparency, you might want to make the data markers larger so that they can be seen from the distance. Click on the gray background of the chart. Place the mouse pointer on the selection handle and drag.
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