Hello, you are highly welcome to the next lesson.
Today you will be learning something on a topic; Formatting.

Formatting a Worksheet
Excel allow formatting and formatting will change only the appearance of the worksheet, and not the value of the data.  Formatting toolbar can be use to change the appearance of the text. The font size, face, style color, e.t.c. In addition to changing the size and font of text, we can modify its position and alignment.
Procedure: display the shortcut menu by right-clicking, choose Format Cells. Select the Alignment tab and change the value in the Degrees text box and click on Ok.

You can change the position of text by indenting it.  Indenting text is another way to emphasize important data.
Procedure: click on the Increase Indent button.
Borders: Click on the down arrow beside the Borders button. Click on the Thick Box Border button. Click on the down arrow beside the Fill Color button.

Color: the Fill Color button allows us to change the background of the currently selected cells. Procedure: select the color turquoise,  press the Home key to deselect the range.

Applying formatting to non-adjacent cells.
Select a cell while pressing the Ctrl key, select
Number Formats and Text Alignment

In Excel, the default numeric format is the General format. However, you can use any of Excel’s built-in formats to change the appearance of numbers in your worksheets. You can select the entire worksheet by clicking on the Select All button, which is the intersection of the row and column headings in the upper-left corner of the worksheet. Click on the Select All button.

Notice that the entire worksheet is selected. Now the changes we make to the following will affect all the cells. Right-click on the selected worksheet. Choose Format Cells.  Select the Number tab.

The Number tab gives us access to Excel built-in number formats. Select Currency from the Category list box, the Decimal Places text box will display. The value in this box will determine how many digits will be appear after the decimal point. Click on OK.

All numbers are displayed in the currency format with two decimal places. Most of the columns have been widened automatically to display the additional formatting. We can change the column widths manually as well. Select a cell. Choose Format, Column, Width. Type 3.57 for the column width. Click on the OK button. Since the column width is too small for the contents of cell, Excel displays a series of number signs in the worksheet. The contents of the cell, which can still be seen in the formula bar, remain unchanged. When we double-click on the boundary between the column headings, Excel resizes the column to fit the widest number or text in the column. Click on the Decrease Decimal button twice as well as the Increase Decimal button twice.  You can also click on the Align buttons to align your text.

In our next lesson we will be learning on how to print and printing options.

Thanks for attending and I will always be here for you.

Bem T. Celestine